The executor is an emblematic institution of Catalan civil law, which is making a comeback in Catalan inheritances. The evident increase in inheritance taxes and inheritance conflicts (between heirs, but also to protect the heirs who have to pay the legitimate inheritance) requires an impartial figure who has a high level of knowledge, both in the substantive matters of inheritance law, as well as the resources to be applied in terms of negotiation, not forgetting taxation, which can vary the solution to be applied in the end.
Our director, Meritxell Gabarró, has served as universal executor in many inheritances, in which our clients (r.e.p.d.) trusted her and appointed her to their wills, so that she could guarantee family peace once they were no longer with them. She acknowledges that it has not always been easy to carry out the assignment, but even so, she claims the effectiveness and necessity in many inheritances.