On Friday, February 23, 2024 Vic was the nerve center of the Catalan legal profession. More than a hundred lawyers, jurists, notaries and professors attended the meeting organized by the Catalan Association of Inheritance Law Specialists (ACEDS) and the Catalan Society of Family Lawyers (SCAF), which was held in the Auditorium of the Episcopal Museum of Vic, to talk about “Family and Inheritance Rights in Catalonia”.

Raquel Franco Manjón, associate lawyer of Gabarró Advocats -Herències- and Director of the Litigation Department contributed to provide the most practical and judicial vision as a participant in the presentation entitled “Nullity of the will due to lack of capacity and formal requirements”, putting the counterpoint to the academic visions, with Professor Tarabal, and notarial, with the notary Antoni Bosch.

Dr. Elena Lauroba Lacasa stood out for her presentation on the vulnerability of the elderly, a subject being studied by her Research Group at the Faculty of Law of the University of Barcelona and in which family and inheritance rights converge.

The conference served to address other issues such as inheritance agreements, family law applied to the world of inheritance and various proposals were made for changes in the regulation of inheritance in response to the evolution of society.